Sunday, January 24, 2010

We Heart Valentines

We wanted to share some Valentine's ideas before you are scrambling to get a crafty idea together for your loved ones. Our brother, Adam has a man room filled with Cubs and Bears memorabilla. He asked us recently to come up with a project for his room...we decided to take his old T-shirts and turn them into pillows. We scored cubbie jersey fabric for the back of the pillow to make them fun and unique. Need an idea for that sports fan for Vday? Steal a Tshirt from their closet and sew away. Could be done with a concert T, an old high school or college T..anything really.

An idea for your girlfriends or anybody who likes brownies would be these Valentine brownie bags by Twig & Thistle. Find some cute bags and print the design out for free!

What is Emery doing for V-day? Working of course! We have a big opportunity coming that we'll announce soon..and we needed a work room asap. My husband jimmyed up my sewing machine into this old desk. I got the sewing machine at a garage sale (long story) for $25...and its 50 years old- true vintage. So this is where we are starting..we can't wait to see what is coming.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely scarfs! And those pillows are awesome, love the find of the jersey material. Adam is going to love them.

