Sunday, March 14, 2010

Keep the ideas coming!

As we spread the word about emery and what we've been up to, we find that a lot of people have interesting suggestions of things they'd like to see us make. Turns out everyone has ideas but they just don't know how to make them happen! We love hearing things like this and take note of products for the future all the time.

I was talking about our little venture at work this week with a friend. She recently had a baby girl. Now that her baby is in daycare, she was complaining about how everything you bring has to be labeled. Specifically she is having trouble labeling bottles. Right now she writes the name on the bottle with a sharpie but it wears in the dishwasher. She told me they have bottle rings but she hadn't found anything good. I was kind of baffled by this. I mean my baby is still in my belly and now I have a label dilemna to worry about?! The wheels started turning and I did a little digging and came up with three different options for labeling.
First is this elastic, embroidered band:
Genius to use it as a gift label to, right?! The second option I found has emery written all over it, literally. It's much like our fabric coffee cozies we've been making for the Lakes Art Center, modified for a bottle. Bottle cozie!
The last one is vinyl labels (dishwasher and microwave proof of course). These would not only work for bottles, but sippy cups, bowls, pacifiers, bags, etc. I have not run this by my partner, but I am confident with her amazing graphic design skills this is something she could easily do. Right Em? She can't really protest, she's living it up in Vegas this week!
So anytime you have a need like this, keep letting us know and we'd love to make it for you. We just want to give the people what the want! We are still working hard on custom orders and more product for the big etsy site launch. We promise we'll have more previews of that to come real soon.

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